
Who is this Alexi Conman and what has he written?

Alexi Conman is a writer of sequential art. Usually, he writes scripts and then people with more artistic skill create the comics. He has a preference for telling mildly offbeat cross-genre tales about the human condition but will give anything a go.

He does do other things (including writing prose, writing and directing funded short films, DJing, drawing his own daft little comics) but in the guise of Alexi Conman he is mostly about writing comics. Well, sometimes puzzles and games too, somehow that seems to fit with the comic-writing.

He has also organised a little comic festival, the Canny Comic Con, several times, along with other smaller events. It has all gone really well.

In his comics scripting, Alexi has worked on a wide variety of projects with all kinds of artists and editors, in a broad range of styles and genres.

Click here to see details of the things Alexi Conman has written that have been published. He's probably also got a variety of stuff in the works which he doesn't want to jinx by mentioning but which he hopes may be out soon.

If you're looking for a comics writer to collaborate with, maybe you should contact him.